Monday, August 1, 2011

Angel Bus in RV Country

Angels... They touch all of our lives at some point. Some come in the form of a friend, sister, brother, mother, or father, but for some their angel pulls up... Wait for it... in an RV.  Those are the volunteers that work with Angel Bus. These angels provide compassionate, non-emergency, long-distance ground transportation to patients in need.  Angel Bus was founded by William (Bill) L. Connor in May 2000 when Bill’s son, Jaran was diagnosed with a brain tumor.  Sadly, Jaran passed away in 2004 and 20 days after his death, Bill was diagnosed with Acute Leukemia.  He battled his illness for the ensuing four years. His goal was to reach age 50 and he did achieve that goal. 

Currently, Angel Bus has 79 drivers and they have completed 1,154 missions in just one fiscal year! Angel Bus has many volunteers in all regions of the U.S. and are always looking for more. If you’re interested in becoming a volunteer, you can fill out the form on their website. What an amazing way to serve!  Their mission is truly inspiring, and has helped so many families.  Many of these patients are in terrible pain and have to travel great distances in very small vehicles. Being allowed the gift of comfort of traveling in an RV where they are able to lie down and rest is an immeasurable luxury, and one that most cannot afford. Many patients don't have the means to travel at all to receive the treatment they need, and that's where Angel Bus steps in.  They truly are Angels on Wheels. 

The Angel Bus stated mission is "To ensure that no financially-stressed patient is denied access to distant specialized medical evaluation, diagnosis or treatment for lack of a means of long-distance transportation."

Angel Bus is in need of more Angels and if you would like to help out, please contact them by visiting their webiste, blog, or Facebook page

Remember everyone has an angel, who’s angel will you be?

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