Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Importance of a Water Regulator

Before owning an RV you probably never gave much thought to water pressure or the need to regulate it, but the piping in your RV needs to be taken care of just as much as any other part. Too much water pressure can cause the pipes to burst, leaving you to experience an indoor wading pool - or worse - such as only partial use of your shower, toilet, or any other appliance that uses running water to function and sometimes no water at all.  A regulator helps you keep an eye out for potential danger, and will prevent the water pressure in your system from surging to a level high enough to cause damage.

You can’t always be sure of the water pressure in camp grounds. If there aren’t many campers in the park with you, or at night when not many people are using running water, the pressure can go up at any time. For this reason, a water regulator is something you will want to be sure to add to your RV necessities before heading out on the road.

If you don't already have one, stop in and see us or order one on-line!

Happy RVing!

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